Friday, February 08, 2008

Gatín A Bordo -Better Quality (4 megas)


JohnK said...

It's very funny Carlo!

Looks like a lot of work too!

Good job.

Trevor Thompson said...

Holy COW! You rock, sir!

It's timed out completely to music, the poses aren't obvious but really well thought out, the construcion is unique but believable.... and it's fuckin' hilarious!

I love how he pees himself right when the sharks come up. Ha ha!

I love it.

How do I get a DVD?

- trevor.

Marlo said...

It's awesome! great cartoon!

Kali Fontecchio said...

Wow- some really effects in there! Awesome!!!

Chloe Cumming said...

I love his angry faces! Very impressive. Nice to meet you.

Katie said...

Awesome!! I totally respect when someone can put in all that work and make a cartoon like this! funny poses and animation! You must be a really creative guy! (^o^)/

Jimbo said...

Great cartoon Carlo. I wish you would put longer holds on the stewardess nice body, though.

Anonymous said...

Me gusta mucho Carlo, es muy chistoso y bien hecho, em encanta la cara del gatin!


Unknown said...

Hola carlo. Que alegria ver terminado, tu cartun, me encanta el inicio, ese chef-sol preparando el almuerzo... genial¡¡

Anonymous said...

muyy muyy bueno!! jajajaja toca sacar buennn tiempooo

Juliana Sánchez said...

Carlo!!!, wooow, felicitaciones, me encanta desde los creditos hasta el final...esperemos que el estomago aguado le dure hasta llegar a casa ;)...Muy bueno!

Sara said...

Increible! que dedicación!! Me encanta la azafata! jajaja, y los gestos del gato!!! En fin .. muchos detalles muy bien cuidados, la música, la caida en el agua... los movimientos de la puerta... bueno... mis respetos y felicitaciones!!!! :)

Laura Ximena said...

Carlooo!! Está super chévere.


Anonymous said...

Hey Carlo, que bien... Está excelente; lo felicito.

Hammerson said...

Congratulations, it's an excellent work! I love the cartoon, it's very funny and well done, and obviously lot of effort went into its making. I have great respect for everybody who's trying to make a cartoon completely alone. It's a difficult task, but also a great satisfaction when it's finished. I'm really glad that you managed to stay with it until the end. Do you plan to start a work on another one soon?

Anonymous said...

Carlo... Nada más gratificante que ver el esfuerzo de una persona talentosa que decide salirse de sus "cobijas de seguridad" y lanzarse a un nuevo camino. Al principio no entendí cómo es que no encontraba ese trazo-de-Carlo pero a medida que pasaban los valiosos y muy trabajados segundos sentía que estaba al frente de una obra que merece verse una y otra vez.

Gracias como siempre por dejar una pauta alta para seguir: reinventarse para crecer. Un abrazo y una felicitación inmensa. Inspirador el trabajo y divertido.

P.S. Tengo que ir al baño! Pobre gato!!!!

Javier Gacharná said...

Muy muy bacana, lo felicito... esta muy chevere! :D

James said...

I love the drawings of when he's pissed off!! lol!

It also looks like you learned alot from this. I can see a lot of improvements throughout the whole short!

Keep it up!

Benjamin Arcand said...

Funny stuff Carlo.